Give us a call: 866-878-0042
FREE SHIPPING on orders over $75
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. We also accept PayPal.
Bill to/Ship to Address: When completing your order you are asked to enter your "bill to" address and your "ship to" address. These are used to verify that YOU are in fact YOU. Please be aware that your "bill to" address MUST match in order for us to get an authorization from your bank. Do not be offended if we contact you via email to confirm your billing address. The system is sensitive and if one small thing is off, your address won't be approved (hence our need to contact you). We apologize for any inconvenience or delay this may cause, but unfortunately a "few" out there have made it difficult for the rest of us with their rampant use of fraudulent cards. We are very careful processing cards in order to protect all of us!
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